FAMOS Demonstration

Corresponding to my description of the "toolboxes" here are a few videos showing how FAMOS can be used. The videos have no sound, after all Famos speaks for itself. A couple of times I drag modal windows "from below" into the frame, that's just because they opened on the primary screen and doesn't imply the use of magic.

I'm doing a "nonsense project" here, sometimes doing things wrong on purpose, and I want to share with you the possibilities that the tools offer me.

This section is far from "complete" yet, but I'd like to start uploading the stuff in the meantime.

What happens? What is shown here?  Link to video
(click on thumbnail)
Fresh start: We start with an empty project and look for a suitable robot. selection from a huge amount of robot devices
A tool must be on the flange! Well, here. Construction gave us one, and we load the CAD to the project. Load a CAD model, link its coordinate system to the flange, groupings of CAD  
Now a workpiece. Why... a horse? Well, a 3d-CAD of a winged walrus wasn't available so far.  load a CAD model  
We can move the horse, until it's in a suitable position. Better: if we _think_ it's in a suitable position now.  rough shifting of a model  
Let's have a look, if the robot moves at all. Uh... yes. axial movement  
Shouldn't we place the horse upon something? Maybe, an euro palette? load models by drag 'n drop  
The beast is too large. We need two pallets. No problem! duplicate and rearrange models  
Now we got it. Now we have to place the horse exactly on the pallets surface, so it looks like the real thing.  CAD calibration with 6 reference points  
Not only it has to look good, it also has to work. We link the coordinate systems meaningful together, so we might move all at once. Also, this is a useful base, too.  linking of systems  
We just added a model of the curry comb, but now it's time to place a tool coordinate system. snap coordinate systems on model features  
Maybe it's a bit tilted. (Okay, I did this on purpose.) But we can adjust it effortlessly. Adjust coordinate systems
Task description: brush the horse! snap a robot path to a model
Okay, this has to be arranged differently. This can be clearly seen now. Let's move it around a bit, maybe we can find a better position. Move coordinate systems along with the components, so it will turn in a functioning machine.
To get a satisfied horse more brush paths are required make trajectories
Now we have three paths, but an accessibility problem.   check accessibility

Could possibly work this way. But the paths are somehow irregular, some points seems missing on one. 

Additionally we missed to check the orientation of the added points. So, that's a separate short. 

Extend path, delete points 

As the robot is placed now, the "world" isn't anymore the whole plants origin.  That's just a beauty issue, but who knows what will happen next. So we correct it. robot position
For simulation (just for simulation) it would be nice to have a home position. The real robot won't know about this. Also, we have a place to display simulation errors. What? Axis window: simulation home and error indicator
These paths are ugly. They are somehow wobbly and lack of smoothness. simulation: use step by step placement
And anyway, the last point of the third path is out of reach. Also, the brush crosses through the horses butt.  observation of continuous simulation
Okay, let's have a serious conversation with the creator of the brush. This needs to be revised. With the angled thing it's nothing but problems. replace CAD, adjust tool system on the new model
Nice! But now we need to rearrange all the stuff. But that's easy! rearrange components and workpieces with their underlying origins
Boss wants to see something, but does he understand why the robot seems hovering? We better create a pedestal a pascal script crates a real open-scad part inside the project
Is there something to create lead-in and lead-out points? Sure. Lead-In, Lead-Out
And now convert them to PTP and the one there needs some turn. special select mode, change movement, PTP simulation
Did someone notice we brush the horse across the grain? That needs to be fixed now! change point order

Now let's fiddle around with the trajectories. At first, let's try to align the orientation. In the end the orientation around the blue axis doesn't matter. From the horses POV, I mean.

align path orientation
And the vertical position is not that important either. We average that out a bit in places to drive the robotic arm a little more evenly. rectify orientation

Now, some freestyle point arrangement. Noone ordered us to stay on the mesh with this big curry comb.

circ mode, manual point shift

Speed? What about speed? The horsie loves it slowly on the butt. Well, that will work with a functional distribution of speed data on its rear end.

speed parameter, functional distribution of parameters
Lets focus on this one path and hide the other two. In the simulation too. hide paths
So, if we want to brush harder or less hard, we could shift the pathpoints along its blue axes now? Exactly. simple shift operation, undo button 

But we might just as well use a temporary tool modification. Famos can teach the robot to do exactly that, so it can be done in the simulation too.

manage parameters, new parameter "TCP-Offset"
Why is the horse blue at all? modify model attributes
Now we have a home point in the simulation, but not yet in the program. This should be done. At last we let the simulation run a few times.

add path with one point, teach this point with the help of the simulation, copy path, rearrange path order, PTP axis mode, 

Let's configure the post processor and try to make a robot program file.  post processor settings, generate program